So, below is my code written in python. This code is fairly working in IDE. 
But, I tried to upload this code 5 times and each time judgement fails. I am 
new to GCJ and don't know exactly where I am making mistake. 

T = int(input())
result = []
for i in range(T):
    a = input()
    a = a.split(" ")
    destination = int(a[0])
    horses = int(a[1])
    min = 0
    travelled = 0
    r = 0
    for j in range(horses):
        b = input()
        b = b.split(" ")

        if j ==0:
            travelled = int(b[0])
            min = int(b[1])
        elif j > 0 and(int(b[1])<min):
            travelled = int(b[0])
            min = int(b[1])
    if travelled < destination:
        r = destination-travelled
        r = r/min
        r = destination/r

    s = "Case #"+str(i+1)+": "+"%.6f" % r

for i in result:

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