Hello Aabhas,

The time limits fixes the time complexity of your program 
In most problems (not all), the small data set accepts a worse complexity than 
the large one.

How to grossly evaluate if your program will finish within the time limit given?

1. Compute the complexity of your algorithm (it can depend on one input like 
O(N^2) or on several like O(N*P), etc.

2. Take the upper limit given by the problem of each variable and replace it in 
the the complexity formula to evaluate the worse case.

3. Modern computers can execute around 10^9 instructions per seconds. You can 
evaluate the time that your algorithm will take. It has to be way under the 
time limit.

4. Be careful that you don't compute the real time but a gross estimation since 
time complexities only give you the scale. Which means when we have a O(N^3) 
algorithm, it doesn't mean that it will take exactly N^3 instruction, because 
in big O notation we get rid of all of the constants and multipliers, a O(N^3) 
algorithm could actually mean that it takes about 100 * N^3 +10 000  
For example if your algorithm runs in O(N^3), the upper limit of N is 1000, and 
the time limit is 10 seconds, you cannot say that since 1000^3 / 10^9 = 1 sec, 
you will finish in time because you might have a factor 10 or 100 or even more. 

With some experience you easily  spot what is possible or not. Example:

O(2^N), 1<N<100 => 2^100/10^9 = 1.2*10^21 s => will never finish in time
But if for the same issue, you find a better algorithm that works in O(N^3) 
100^3/10^9 = 0.001s which should be ok unless your constant factor is really 
huge (in which case you could still optimize you code, by some pruning or such)

I hope this helped you.

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