Yes, thank you.

That condition was initially because I didn't order the activities first.
Now I've changed it with that little memory of the last assigned activities
and it is NlogN.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 9:28 PM porker2008 <> wrote:

> Oh didn't notice that you override the equal() to for checking overlap.
> As Matt pointed out, this is not efficient because you have to run through
> the entire list to determine whether the new activity can be assigned to C
> or J,
> and it leads to O(N) to process each new activity and hence O(N^2) for
> overall complexity
> To improve the running time, you just need to compare the new activity to
> the last activity that was assigned to C or J.
> This is because those tasks will have the latest end time of all tasks
> that were assigned to C or J already.
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*Nuria Ruiz Sánchez*

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