
I've been able to use curl to download documents for local editing,
but I'm running into a "
Invalid request URI" problem when I try updating the document using

Using the Protocol Guide (v3.0), and the "Using cURL to interact with
Google Data services" tutorial, I had come up with the following
command, which does not work:

/usr/bin/curl --silent --request PUT --header "Authorization:
GoogleLogin auth=..." \
  --header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
  --header "Slug: Outline" \
  --data @outline
  http://docs.google.com/feeds/default/media/document:<docid that I
used to download>

Outline is the title of the document, and the local version is in file

Could someone please help me out? Do I have the wrong URL? Or is there
something else that I am doing wrong?


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