Comment #1 on issue 449 by kodemaniak: Servlet match on a servlet path, not the actual request path

I have the same issue using Jersey (1.4) with Guice (from trunk) and the jersey-guice integration within OSGi. I do not use a web.xml descriptor, but register GuiceFilter programatically using the Apache Felix ExtHttpService. I basically have the following code in my activator:

Guice.createInjector(new RestModule());
try {
    httpService.registerFilter(new GuiceFilter(), "/.*", null, 0, null);
} catch (ServletException e) {

The rest module binds a JerseyResource as follows:

protected void configureServlets() {

The resource is annotated with @Path("/guicejersey"). So I would expect to be to access the rsource under http://localhost:8181/rest/guicejersey. However, that's not the case by default. If I use a match-all pattern (serve("*")) it matches when I access http://localhost:8181/guicejersey.

Some debugging showed me that the guice-servlet extension matches patterns agains servlet path, which seems to be empty all the time. I fixed the issue by changing at two places:

In getPathInfo() I changed

pathInfo = getServletPath().substring(getContextPath().length()).replaceAll("[/]{2,}","/").substring(servletPathLength);


pathInfo = getRequestURI().substring(getContextPath().length()).replaceAll("[/]{2,}", "/").substring(servletPathLength);

and in computePath() I changed

String servletPath = super.getServletPath();


String servletPath = super.getRequestURI();

I am actually not sure whether this breaks something else. But from my understanding of getServletPath and getRequestUri it seems to me that the latter is correct method to use. But I have hardly any experience with servlets so far, so I don't know exactly how the behaviour is in other contexts (e.g. the role of the contextPath).

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