        Owner: sberlin

Comment #4 on issue 16 by sberlin: Hide c.g.inject.internal

Spent some time hacking with ant & jarjar, and managed to come up with some changes to the build files so that 1) asm & cglib are repackaged to $com.google.inject.internal.{asm,cglib} (the $ added, to prevent IDEs offering it for autocomplete)
2) com.google.inject.internal.util is shadowed under $com.google.inject.internal.util, for the same reason as #1.

I did not do all of internal because many things (for better or worse) still need access to that, like Gin. We *can* selectively pull things out of internal later on, if we want to, though.

(FWIW, this is going to put our ant scripts out of sync with the things generated from Maven, but I think it's worth it!... and we can clean up Maven as time permits.)

        hide-jarjar-and-internal.util-once-and-for-all.txt  11.3 KB

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