        Status: Invalid

Comment #1 on issue 565 by sberlin: InjectionListener.afterInjection() not called for instances created via Providers

The reason you're not being notified of injection is because Foo isn't being injected. The provider is manually constructing it and returning it, and no @Inject fields in it are injected. You can verify this by adding an @Inject String data within Foo and printing it out, it will print out 'null' for data.

But.. if you inject a MembersInjector<Foo> into your @Provides method, and call membersInjector.injectMembers(foo) before returning it, then it *will* be injected (it will print out a blank string for data instead of null), and afterInjection *will* be notified.

So, if there's any bug here, it would be that instances returned by provider methods aren't injected... but I'm not exactly sure that's a bug.

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