Status: New
Owner: ----

New issue 584 by steve.skrla: Provider<ServletRequest> does not provide a wrapped servlet request capable of executing RequestDispatcher.include

I am using Guice 2.0 (Maven artifact) and Tomcat 6.x / 7.x on Ubuntu.

When I try to inject a ServletRequest with a provider (and I suspect even directly), the object provided is not of type ManagedFilterPipeline$2, which I believe is the type provided to the service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) methods of guice managed servlets and required for the include and forward methods to work. As a result, the getRequestDispatcher(String) method does not return a dispatcher that is aware of the guice managed servlets and my include calls fail to resolve the appropriate servlets.



protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
        // Works as expected
        req.getRequestDispatcher("/dwr/engine.js").include(req, resp);

    class SomeBrokenUtility {
        @Inject Provider<ServletRequest> requestProvider;

        public String pullFromDwr() {
            FakeHttpResponse resp = ...;

            ServletRequest req = requestProvider.get();

            // Throws a FileNotFoundException as the DefaultServlet cannot
            // locate the requested resource
            req.getRequestDispatcher("/dwr/engine.js").include(req, resp);

            return resp.getResponseAsString();

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