Comment #12 on issue 372 by GuiceFilter breaks dispatching to jsp if jasper is being used to compile the jsp

There's definitely a bug here.

Here's the simplest test case (I'm using tomcat 5.5.33):

* Use Guice ServletModule to configure two servlets, one of which just dispatches to the other:

    protected void configureServlets()
        serve( "/dispatcher" ).with( DispatcherServlet.class );
        serve( "/dispatchee" ).with( DispatcheeServlet.class );

* Dispatchee outputs text for verification, dispatcher redirects like this:

protected void doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp )
            throws ServletException, IOException
            this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher( "/dispatchee" )
                .forward( req, resp );

* Invoking /dispatcher yields a blank page with a 404 status that is incorrectly served up by Tomcat's default servlet.

* When configuring via traditional web.xml instead of guice, everything works as expected.

* I did some debugging and it looks like Tomcat's internal pattern matching inside its RequestDispatcher implementation isn't even aware of the servlet mapping that Guice configured.

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