Comment #10 on issue 771 by sberlin: Annotations.isAllDefaultMethods returns false for method less interfaces.

I don't buy that it's a bug. The code is doing exactly what it was written to do. You can argue that the current API Guice exposes makes what you want to do cumbersome -- but there's no bug in the code.

Your workarounds are exploiting implementation details that can change (and actually wouldn't have worked in 3.0 -- the "creating fake implementations" is only introduced in 4.0).

I still don't understand why ofType doesn't work -- it seems to do exactly what you want: create a key with a new Type/TypeLiteral with the exact same annotation or annotation class. Can you explain why that method doesn't work for you? It seems that the method exists solely for your use-case.

Creating fake implementations for marker interfaces would be a waste of memory. The approach to fixing this should be, "What is the right thing to do?" It should not be, "what's the smallest change I can make to solve my current problem."

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