All the semantic information you want is thrown away very early by Guice, 
so there's probably not a way to get the kind of details that you want. 
 The internal implementation 
the same Message class that you see in the ProvisionException.

On Wednesday, 25 November 2015 03:46:36 UTC-5, jwa wrote:
> I would like to intercept some of the exceptions being thrown by Guice, 
> with access to the full context of the underlying error, and use 
> domain-specific details to come up with meaningful error messages.
> To illustrate this problem I am using a vastly simplified domain, this may 
> be a bit tenuous, bear with me.
> I provide my clients with a simplified API which allows them to build-up 
> the event without exposing them to the fact that Guice will be used to wire 
> everything together:
> AthelticsBuilder builder = new AthelticsBuilder()
>   .withTicketIssuer(ResultRecorded.class)  // <-- This is a singleton, 
> one ticket issuer per event
>   .withObserver(ResultRecorded.class)      // <--- This is race-scoped, 
> one created per race
>   .addRace("100 meter sprint")
>   .build();
> Behind the scenes the AthleticsBuilder will use Guice to obtain instances 
> of each of the classes described above. Framework-related dependencies may 
> be injected into these classes, for example RaceObservers might want to 
> gain access to the StopWatch that is timing the event they are responsible 
> for observing:
> public class ResultRecorder implements RaceObserver {
>   @Inject
>   public ResultRecorder(Race race, StopWatch watch) { /* ... */ }
> }
> The injection of these race-specific dependencies is facilitated by a 
> custom "RaceScope" which is entered/exited as the AthelticsBuilder creates 
> each race added to the builder.
> It is possible for my API clients to make rather silly mistakes. For 
> example, they might ask for a StopWatch to be injected into their 
> TicketIssuer. This is not legal, as the TicketIssuer is a singleton, and 
> has no access to members injected by the RaceScope. For eaxmple, if the 
> following constructor is used:
> public class TicketMachine implements TicketIssuer {
>   @Inject
>   public TicketMachine(StopWatch watch) { /* ... */ }
> }
> Guice will throw a ProvisionException when attempting to instantiate the 
> TicketMachine. This will have the following error:
> Caused by: Unable to provision, see 
> the following errors:
> 1) Error in custom provider, Cannot 
> access Key[type=com.acme.StopWatch, annotation=[none]] outside of a scoping 
> block
>   at com.acme.RaceScopeModule.configure(
>   while locating com.acme.StopWatch
>     for parameter 0 at com.acme.TicketMachine.<init>(
>   while locating com.acme.TicketMachine
> This is rather unfortunate for two reasons:
>    - It exposes my API clients to the fact I'm using Guice. My API 
>    completely insulates them from this, which is nice. It's only when errors 
>    are encountered that they suddenly become aware what's happening 
>    under-the-covers
>    - The API consumer isn't likely to be able to decipher this error, and 
>    identifying the underlying issue
> It would be much nicer if I could intercept this exception (more likely 
> the underlying exception) and provide something far more meaningful: 
> "*TicketMachine 
> cannot access com.acme.StopWatch as it does not have reference to a race*
> ".
> To be able to achieve this, I'd need to be able to intercept the exact 
> details of the binding error. Simply catching ProvisionException is of 
> little use to me; it just contains "Messages", which don't have any of the 
> rich context-specific information I need to produce more meaningful errors.
> Is there some mechanism for handling / intercepting this errors, in order 
> to produce more meaningful exceptions?
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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