I'm building some kind of framework and the developers have to specify the 
type of server they want to use. The *IServer<?>* is the interface of the 
server : it is parametized.

The framework itself only needs the wildcard version of the *IServer<?>* 
to be injected in its classes. In fact, it doesn't even know the type of 
the Server that will actually be used. So :

bind(new TypeLiteral<IServer<?>>(){}).to(getServerClass()).in(Scopes.

The dev would define *a getServerClass()* method like :

protected Class<? extends IServer<?>> getServerClass() {
    return SomeServer.class; // SomeServer implements IServer<

But the dev will also need a *typed* version, *IServer<TheTypeTheDevWants>*, 
to be injected in *his* classes. So :

bind(new TypeLiteral<IServer<*TheTypeTheDevWants*

First question : does this actual create two instances or only one? Two I 
guess and this is my first problem. How could I bind the same instance to 
both types?

Second question :

Would it be possible to ask the dev to define a *getServerType()* method, 
that would return "*TheTypeTheDevWants*", in a way or another, so the 
framework can use it to create the two bindings *by itself*? Something like 

bind(new TypeLiteral<IServer<?>>(){}).to(getServerClass()).in(Scopes.
bind(new TypeLiteral<IServer<*getServerType**()*>>(){}).to(getServerClass
()).in(Scopes.SINGLETON); // Black magic required here!

Is there any way for the framework to bind *IServer<TheTypeTheDevWants>* 
without knowing "*TheTypeTheDevWants*" at compile time?

I try to make the life easier for the dev. I'd like the framework to do 
both binding by itself here. Is it possible?

I hope my questions makes sense! :-)

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