I seem to get back garbled junk when querying google and echo /
print_r results to the browser or into my database.

For example, I can create an event manually in Google Calendar with
the title "Hellö Wörld".  Simple enough.  I create it with a browser,
in all ways it seems fine. Even if I manually browse to the event's
feed URL (or the calendar feed) using Safari, the special characters
show up fine.

When I run the very simple getEvent() function using PHP / Zend
framework, I get this as the title for the event: "Hellö Wörld".

I copied the getEvent() function from Demos\Zend\GData\Calendar.php
and I simply print_r() the function.  The same is true if I create a
"Hellö Wörld" calendar and call outputCalendar().

Here is the getEvent() function:

require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';

$user = 'willi...gmail.com';
$pass = 'password...';
$service = Zend_Gdata_Calendar::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; // predefined
service name for calendar

$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($user,$pass,$service);

function getEvent($client, $eventId)
  $gdataCal = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($client);
  $query = $gdataCal->newEventQuery();

  try {
    $eventEntry = $gdataCal->getCalendarEventEntry($query);
    return $eventEntry;
  } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
    return null;

print_r ( getEvent( $client, "1m9u20aru8chtq0mgg1forlag4"));
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