I am writing a JavaScript HTML file and want to use the Google
Spreadsheets Data API (with Gdata.js).But now I find that when I use
"myService1.getFeed(feedUrl,addEntry,handleError);" to get a feed and
in the function addEntry(gd) I call a funciton "gd.feed.insertEntry
(newEntry,logmein(),handleError);".Then the Firebug tell me
"gd.feed.insertEntry is not a function".It seems that object gd only
have data but no methods.
I also read the Gdata's manual for Javascript.Its code didn't work at
my computer either.So I wanna ask how can I call the function
"insertEntry(entry, continuation, opt_errorHandler) - Instance method
in class google.gdata.Feed " that write in the GData JavaScript
2.0 document.

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