Hi Vic,

> Your scope is still incorrect.  Do you see where it says scope= in that 
> URL?  Replace the https://www.google.com/m8/feeds with 
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds.

Okay. I 've replaced 

>> My browser said  that "no connection with http://localhost";.
> In order to retrieve the token out of the user's browser session, you must 
> fire up a web server on localhost, and receive the request from the browser 
> containing the token.  The web server you fire up will store the token, for 
> use by your application.

Okay I have installed IIS on my WinXP machine.
I made simple index.html with "Hello" as http://localhost
Localhost works now.

When I click on

I see my page on 

I don't see the token inside of page source or elsewhere

And.. Why I need my local WEB server.
I expected to send a request to Google spreadsheet
and to receive a response.
I don't understand.

Vic, it seems you work for Google.
Is it really possible to explain working with Google spreadsheets
with more details and with small examples?

And how about other questions from my previous messages?



>> So I could not get the response with authorization token.
>> It requires the WEB server: local or remote.
>> But even if I use real server's URL, I got the error "OAuth 2.0: 
>> redirect_uri_mismatch"
>> *
>> *
>>> Which language are you using?  There are client libraries that can make 
>>> this simple for you.
>> I would like to use Java. I am novice in Java though.
>> You wrote in another thread:
>> >I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble understanding what you are trying to 
>> do.  
>> >Have you read our Java samples in the developer guide?
>> >http://code.google.com/apis/**spreadsheets/data/3.0/**
>> developers_guide.html#**ListingSpreadsheets<http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/developers_guide.html#ListingSpreadsheets>
>> I don't understand how to use it.
>> Where "import ..." operators in Java samples?
>> Where to get and  how to install Google API for Java?
>> I expected to find many  zip-ed complete Java sources,
>> including authentication, for each example
>> I expected to find more detailed explanations of how to use raw protocol 
>> in user's apps
>> It will be excellent if Google explain that with concrete spreadsheet.
>> I expected to find zip-ed examples of that in Java and other languages.
>> Thanks.

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