I don't know of any examples of using XML to load data for the 
Visualization API.  Basically, you would need to write an AJAX function to 
get the data, parse it into an XMLDocument object, and then parse the 
document object to pull out the data and input it into a DataTable.  jQuery 
has a lot of built-in functionality to handle this kind of stuff; I expect 
other libraries do as well.  Here's a basic example that I think should 

    url: 'myXML.xml',
    dataType: 'xml',
    success: function (xml) {
        var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
        data.addColumn('string', 'Name');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Value');
        $('row', xml).each(function () {
            var name = $('name', this).text();
            var value = parseInt($('value', this).text());
            data.addRow([name, value]);
        var chart = new 
        chart.draw(data, {
            height: 400,
            width: 600

given an XML structure like this:


On Friday, May 16, 2014 1:59:06 AM UTC-4, David Kasabji wrote:
> Hello,
> I am sorting a huge databse into an XML file, and I need to take some data 
> from that database as INPUT for tha Google Charts (for example for Column 
> Chart).
> I have been struggling to find any good tutorials on how to do this, 
> ussually people just link some general stuff, but not specificly for Google 
> Charts.
> So any input, maybe even walkthrough, would be really really appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!
> BR,
> David

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