If I set a timeout of 5 -10 seconds, then manually call the callback...then 
there is no visualization so the x = new google.visualization.DataTable 
doesn't exist

On Monday, August 15, 2016 at 12:38:33 PM UTC-4, carinlynchin wrote:
> I know this is old...but i am having the same issue. I am using PHantomJS 
> and I get to the point where I want to load google. Google variable is an 
> object, but it never calls the callback. I have a console.log inside the 
> method for the callback which never shows up which tells me it is 
> definitely not calling the callback. I know you guys were going to take 
> this offline, but did you ever find a resolution. I have been trying to get 
> this to work for days. 
> On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 8:11:12 AM UTC-4, Daniel LaLiberte wrote:
>> *Introducing Frozen Google Charts*
>> When we push out new releases of Google Charts, some of the changes are 
>> big, like entirely new chart types, but other changes are small, like 
>> enhancements to the appearance or behavior of existing charts.  
>> Many Google Chart creators fine-tune the look and feel of their charts 
>> until it's exactly what they want. Some of those users might feel more 
>> comfortable knowing that their charts will never change, regardless of what 
>> improvements we make in the future.  For those users, we're proud to 
>> announce Frozen Google Charts.  
>> To load a frozen version, you must make some small changes in how you 
>> load the Google Charts packages.  For example, here is the usual way of 
>> loading the stable version and drawing a chart:
>> <script type="text/javascript" 
>> src="https://www.google.com/jsapi";></script>
>> <script type="text/javascript">
>>    google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['corechart']});
>>    google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);
>> </script>
>> You'll need to change your code to be like this (changes highlighted in 
>> bold):
>> <script type="text/javascript" 
>>             src="*https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js* 
>> <https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js>"></script>
>> <script type="text/javascript">
>>    *google.charts.load(**'41'**,* {packages: ['corechart']});
>>    *google.charts.setOnLoadCallback*(drawChart);
>> </script>
>> Note that when you call google.charts.load(), you should not include the 
>> ‘visualization’ parameter, and the version number is a string.  Only 
>> version ‘41’ is supported at this time, which corresponds to the current 
>> stable release, and additional frozen versions will be announced as we 
>> push out each new stable release.  More details about using the frozen 
>> version 
>> loader will be available here 
>> <https://google-developers.appspot.com/chart/interactive/docs/library_loading_enhancements>
>> .
>> When you use a frozen version of Google Charts, all charts and features 
>> should work the same as for the stable version it was created from.  But 
>> there 
>> are two minor, though important, limitations with loading frozen versions, 
>> which we expect to resolve in the near future.
>>    1. You can only call google.charts.load() one time.  You can instead 
>>    list all the packages that you'll need in one call, so there is usually 
>> no 
>>    need to make separate calls. 
>>    2. If you are using a ChartWrapper, you must explicitly load all the 
>>    packages you'll need rather than relying on the ChartWrapper to 
>>    automatically load them for you. 
>> We expect that frozen versions will remain available indefinitely, though 
>> we may retire frozen versions that have security concerns.  We will 
>> typically not provide support for frozen versions, except to suggest 
>> upgrading to newer versions.
>> Even if you don't plan to use the frozen version 41, it would help us if 
>> you could try it now with your charts and please let us know if you 
>> experience any problems.
>> -- 
>> Daniel LaLiberte <https://plus.google.com/100631381223468223275?prsrc=2> 
>>  - 978-394-1058
>> dlali...@google.com   5CC, Cambridge MA
>> daniel.l...@gmail.com 9 Juniper Ridge Road, Acton MA

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