Figured out a solution. 

(working with html.slim)... I was originally loading the script with other 
javascript scripts...

    = render 'layouts/header'
    = yield
    = render 'layouts/footer'

      = yield :javascript
      = javascript_include_tag "";
      = javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track' => 

Altered it so that it stood alone in the header (as noted in 

    script src=""; type=
    title Learning Management System
    = stylesheet_link_tag    'application', media: 'all', 
'data-turbolinks-track' => true
    = csrf_meta_tags
    link rel="apple-touch-icon" href=(image_path('apple-touch-icon.png'))

Just in case anyone runs into a similar issue. 

On Friday, November 10, 2017 at 2:31:04 PM UTC-5, Steven Gissubel wrote:
> I have read the previous discussions on this issue -- but none seem to 
> relate entirely. 
> I am getting the response ""Google Charts loader.js can only be loaded 
> once.""  Every time that I load a new page. 
> But, the curious part is, I am calling ```google.charts.load('current', 
> {packages: ['corechart']});``` only in one place tucked inside of an AJAX 
> call that is only called in one specific area of my code on one specific 
> page. Inserting debugger just before it -- this is clear.  It only gets hit 
> when I make that AJAX call.
> Tracing the flow, I found that the error is appearing when it loads my 
> script tag for google charts.  I have the script tag written into my 
> application-html-frame for the entire site (so as it houses every 
> subsequent page, it is loaded every time that I load a new page).  
> The error arises when it hits (loader.js) -- I'm assuming through running 
> the script tag. 
> Any thoughts on how to avoid this issue?
> Thank you

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