I'm having issues with my legends while using the Line Chart Visualization 
tool. I'm able to successfully create the chart and legends however, the 
labels on the legends are reversed. I checked the documentation page and 
didn't see options on how to change the labels of a legend. I may just be 
blind but any assistance on how to do this would be helpful. I'm currently 
using a PHP function that populates a script for all the information that 
goes into the chart. If it makes it easier, to assist the code for the 
function is below:

function printChart($div, $data, $type, $chartTitle = null, $height, 
$hTitle, $vTitle){
$output = '';

// load jsapi
$output .= '<script type="text/javascript" 
src="https://www.google.com/jsapi";></script>' . "\n";

// start a code block
$output .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
$output .= 'var chart = "notSet";' . "\n";
// load corechart packages
$output .= 'google.load(\'visualization\', \'1.0\', 
{\'packages\':[\'corechart\']});' . "\n";

// set callback function
$output .= 'google.setOnLoadCallback(setGoogleData);' . "\n";
$output .= 'google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);' . "\n";

// Initialize for Animation
$output .= 'newValue = 0;' . "\n";

$output .= 'var data = [];' . "\n";

$output .= 'function setGoogleData(){' . "\n";
foreach($data as $dataPart){
$output .= 'data['.$i.'] = new 
google.visualization.DataTable('.json_encode($dataPart).');' . "\n";
$output .= 'var chart = new google.visualization.' . $type . 
'(document.getElementById(\'' . $div . '\'));' . "\n";
$output .= '}' . "\n";

// create callback function
$output .= 'function drawChart() {' . "\n";
$output .= 'if(chart == "notSet"){' . "\n";
$output .= 'chart = new google.visualization.' . $type . 
'(document.getElementById(\'' . $div . '\'));' . "\n";
$output .= '}' . "\n";
// set the options
//$output .= 'var options = ' . json_encode($options) . ';' . "\n";
$output .= 'var options = {' . "\n";
$output .= 'title: "'.$chartTitle.'",' . "\n";
$output .= 'titlePosition: "out",' . "\n";
$output .= 'legend: {position:"bottom"},' . "\n";
//$output .= 'width: "'.$width.'",' . "\n";
$output .= 'height: "'.$height.'",' . "\n";
//$output .= 'hAxis: {position:"out", slantedTextAngle:90, title:"Stops"},' 
. "\n";
$output .= 'hAxis: {position:"out", slantedTextAngle:60, 
title:"'.$hTitle.'"},' . "\n";
//kmm - added line below
//$output .= 'hAxis.textStyle: {color:"black", fontName:"arial", 
fontSize:8},' . "\n";
//$output .= 'vAxis: {position:"in", title:"Average Passengers"},' . "\n";
$output .= 'vAxis: {position:"in", title:"'.$vTitle.'"},' . "\n";
$output .= 'pointSize: 5,' . "\n";
//kmm - added line below
$output .= 'fontSize: 12,' . "\n";
//$output .= 'chartArea: {top:30, width:"90%"},' . "\n"; //original SS 
//kmm - test setting
$output .= 'chartArea: {top:20, width:"90%", height:350},' . "\n";
$output .= 'animation: {duration: 200},' . "\n";
$output .= '};' . "\n";

// create and draw the chart
$output .= 'chart.draw(data[newValue], options);' . "\n";
$output .= '}' . "\n";

// Animation Function
$output .= 'function changeChart(){' . "\n";
$output .= 'newValue = document.getElementById("chartNumber").value;' . 
$output .= 'drawChart();' . "\n";
$output .= '}' . "\n";

$output .= '</script>' . "\n";

return $output;

Thank you in advance for any assistance you provide!

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