
Today I realized my google map icons are no more painted on google maps. 
Then I found out that google has a new version of API chart, so the old 
version is deprecated.

I was happy to use it to create custom map markers with a sign in it and to 
choose colors. Till now I was able to create these markers that way:

var icon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    "https://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chst=d_map_spin&chld=0.55|0|" + 
color.substring(1) + "|13|" + "_" + "|" + letter,
    new google.maps.Point(10, 37), // anchor

Is something like that still possible? I'm happy for any link, that I couldn't 
find. I only can find how to use custom images but I need the original google 
markers being able to put a letter in it and to change the color. 


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