Can Region GeoChart be displayed for different states of different 
countries and can custom text be displayed on the Region GeoChart? I am 
using the Google Region GeoChart to implement chart similar to Excel Map 

1. The requirement is to display states of more than one country on the 
Region GeoChart. Tried to use region property set to world but this does 
not seem to work.

function drawRegionsMap() { 
  var objChart = [ 
 ['State', 'Popularity'], 
 ['Maharashtra', 200], 
 ['Goa', 300], 
 ['Kerala', 400], 
 ['Alabama', 500], 
 ['Colorado', 600], 
 ['Idaho', 700]
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(objChart); 
var options = { 
  region: 'world', 
  displayMode: 'regions',
  resolution: 'provinces', 
  colorAxis: { colors: ['#e7711c', '#4374e0'] } 
  var chart = new 
chart.draw(data, options); 

2. Is it possible to display text, like shown below, on the Region 
GeoChart? If yes, then is there a way this can be done?

[image: Region GeoChart.png]

Thank you.

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