I have a head scratcher.  When I send this info into the chart all works 

var data = *new* google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[*'Quarter'*, *'Current 
Enrollment'*,*'SBHC Enrollment'*,*'Patients Seen'*],[*'Quarter 1'*
,1500,800,600],[*'Quarter 2'*,1450,840,700],

[*'Quarter 3'*,1480,920,800]],false);

But when I send this in 

var data = *new* google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(myarray);

I get nothing.  The value of myarray is EXACTLY the same as the data above. 
I've checked it in an alert and console.log and even added characters to 
each end to make sure there's no hidden characters messing things up.

Any thoughts?

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