When I use text in my call the report displays without issue.

*var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([['Quarter', 'Current 
Enrollment','SBHC Enrollment','Patients Seen'],['Quarter 
1',1500,800,600],['Quarter 2',1450,840,700],*[*'Quarter 3'*
But when I use a variable which has the exact same text I get the following 
error and a blank screen.

*Uncaught (in promise) Error: Column header row must be an array.*

The variable is an array as I first parse it to text, clean off the ends 
(white space) and then put it into an array.  I test the array (is_array) 
and all is well. I output the array to the console.  I've even copied the 
console output and pasted it back into the arrayToDataTable and it works 
fine so I am at a loss for why this is not working.

Full code below:

<!DOCTYPE html>



  *include* *'../header.php'*;

  *include* *'../pdo.php'*;

  $siteid = $_GET[*'siteid'*];

  $year = $_GET[*'year'*];

  $year = date(*"Y"*); 

  $stmt = $pdo->prepare(*"select operatorid from sites where id = ?"*);


  $operatorid = $stmt->fetchColumn();

  $count= $stmt->rowCount();

  $stmt = $pdo->prepare(*"SELECT concat('Quarter ', quarter) as quarter, 
currentenrollment,CONVERT(currentpatients,UNSIGNED INTEGER) AS 
currentpatients, CO*$






<script type=*"text/javascript"* src=*"loder.js"*></script>

<script type=*"text/javascript"*>

google.load(*'visualization'*, *'1'*, {*'packages'*:[*'corechart'*]});


*function* drawChart() {

  var data = *new* google.visualization.DataTable();

  var jsonData = $.ajax({

    url: *"getEnrollmentData.php"*,

    data: {site:*<?php* *echo* $siteid*?>*,year:*<?php* *echo* $year*?>*} ,

    dataType: *"json"*,

    async: false


  mystring = jsonData.trim();

  mystring = mystring.substr(1);

  mystring = mystring.substring(0, mystring.length - 1);

  var myarray = *new* Array(mystring);


// The line below WORKS

*//var data = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([['Quarter', 
'Current Enrollment','SBHC Enrollment','Patients Seen'],['Quarter 
1',1500,800,600],['Quarter 2',1450,840,700],*

[*'Quarter 3'*,1480,920,800]],false);

// This line DOES NOT even though the data is the same as above.

  var data = *new*  google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([myarray]);

  var options = {

    chart: {

      title: *'Enrollment'*,

      subtitle: *'By Year'*,

      legend: { position: *'bottom'* },

      vAxis: {title: *'Quarter'*}



  var chart = *new* google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.

  chart.draw(data, options);





     <div id=*"areachart"* style=*"width: 1300px; height: 800px"*></div>

<div style=*"padding-left:300px"*>


<select name=*"cars"* id=*"year"*>


  $stmt = $pdo->prepare(*"select distinct year from reportmedical where 
siteid = ? order by year desc"*);


  *foreach* ($stmt *as* $row) {

    *echo* *"<option value="* . $row[*'year'*] . *">"* . $row[*'year'*] . 







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