Hi again,

One of the bots I'm currently writing needs to insert various hyper-
links into child blips. The bot seems to be working OK most of the
time, but some of the hyper-links it's inserting seem to not make it
into the blip.

For example, this test hyper-link never makes it into a blip:

textView.appendMarkup("<a href=\"http://www.imdb.com/find?

My logging shows that I have definitely added it to the blip, as
TextView.getText() returns...


Moreover, any other text I try to add after that don't make it into
the blip (though all the text before does) - it just seems to stop.

This is from the TextView.appendMarkup(java.lang.String content)

"Any white-listed and supported HTML tags will be converted into the
proper annotations and conform to the wave XML schema. Anything
unsupported will be ignored."

Does this URL not conform?



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