
I really become crazy with these robots. Each day something new is not
working and it is totally arbitrary if I'm on the preview account or
the sandbox. Currently I get all events on the 'preview' machine, but
can not send back text on 'ROBOT ADDED' (while text submit after 'BLIP
SUBMITTED' works). On the sandbox the same robot returns text on
'ROBOT ADDED' but does not get notified on 'BLIP SUBMITTED'.

I need to get this stuff running because my Push Notification system
of Waveboard relies on it. 

The bots are called 'dirk4' and 'xwaveboard' if you'd like to test.
(Still in development, changing frequently, very experimental!)

My proposal: Why couldn't Google people set up a central page where
these know issues are listed with the most recent state. It takes me
each day about an hour to figure out if the problem is on my side or
on the Google side.



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