Working through the Python tutorial, I ran into some problems:

I had major problems with the character set (from my Mac)...

I pasted the text from the website into a Text Editor and it said it
was Unicode.

I deployed it, and got 500 errors on the server.

Logs said it was a char set issue.

Had to manually delete the offending characters (by removing all
spaces from the front of each line, then
putting back the indents.

Then the bot deployed and capabilities.xml worked.

But the bot did nothing.

BUT I added another event which does work!

def OnBlipSubmitted(properties, context):
    blip = context.GetBlipById(properties['blipId'])
    """origText = blip.GetDocument().GetText()"""
    blip.GetDocument().AppendText('\n\nThanks for Blipping!')

And in __main__:

myRobot.RegisterHandler(events.BLIP_SUBMITTED, OnBlipSubmitted)

Then I finally got to see something on screen!

It's my first experience with Python, never wanted to go near Java.
Liking Python a lot!  Especially when I
compare the tutorials.

What's the vote?  Python or Java?  (I guess I should make that a wave

Ok, "with:public  programming bots python java"


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