1) Creating waves...

Not via the embed api, but this is possible via a robot. You can use
an exposed ajax api on the robot to trigger a wave creation event and
return the id, then populate the page with that id. Quite handy for
creating a new wave to embed when the wave gets full, breaks, etc.

2) Anonymous users...

Nope. See this issue:

3) Other use cases.

Gadgets make nifty multiuser widgets to stick into your website via
the wave embed. This lets you have the multi-user nature of the wave
gadgets on your webpage; you can use this for, say, live chat, voting,
commenting, robot interaction (via the gadget) <-- this last one is
particularly nice because it lets you trigger robot actions via the
webpage with built in auth, user, etc. So you can can an admin
interface to reset the comment wave on a website for example; just
remember you have to make embedded waves public, so your robot will
have to check the user that performed the action to make sure it's an
'authorized' user.

Currently there's no way to control how gadgets render in the embed,
which makes them something of a disaster area visually, but you can
work around it.


On Mar 22, 12:50 am, "Aleksandr (cligs.ee)"
<aleksandr.losse...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to figure out if I could use Google Wave somehow on my
> website. What I would like to do is - instead of implementing my own
> comment system (users can leave comments on photos, articles, etc.) I
> would just embed a Google Wave there.
> Can this be done?
> 1) Is there a way to create new waves programmatically? I only found
> how you can emded an existing wave.
> 2) Can users that don't have a wave account still comment?
> 3) Any other use cases that are useful for a website? Maybe replace
> private messaging system with Waves? Possible?
> Thanks

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