I'm trying to make my bot respond within the same area of the wave,
but for some reason the bot is creating a replay at the bottom of the
wave even when a replay is made to a past blip as an indented reply. I
tried finding something that could do this and I found the
CreateChild() method, but when I try to use it Eclipse complains with
an error saying "the method CreateChild() is undefined for type blip"
even though that doesn't make any sense because it's NOT supposed to
be undefined.

This is what Currently happens:

User Msg
Bot Msg
  User 2 Msg
User Msg
Bot Msg
Bot Msg (reply to usr 2)

This is what I want:

User Msg
Bot Msg
  User 2 Msg
    Bot Msg reply
User Msg
Bot Msg

This is my current code snippet:

  public void onBlipSubmitted(BlipSubmittedEvent event) {
          Blip blip = event.getBlip();
          event.getWavelet().reply("\n" + GetBotMSG(blip.getContent()));

(The GetBotMSG function gets the bot's message using an XML parser)

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