Hi, all.

We have just deprecated GWT 1.5.2, and replaced it with GWT 1.5.3.
This new release has a small handful of patches, mainly aimed at
fixing RPC problems with Android. You can download the update from the
usual location:


You may find that this pretty page hasn't updated yet in your neck of
the woods. If so, try going straight to the download server:


Release Notes for 1.5.3

Fixed Issues

 - RPC requests no longer fail on the embedded Android web browser

 - Leaf TreeItems now line up with their non-leaf siblings

 - Removing the last child node from a TreeItem no longer creates
extra margins on the left

 - HTTPRequest no longer uses POST instead of GET on some IE installs
because of incorrect XHR selection

 - Compiler now uses a more reliable check to prevent methods with
local variables from being inlined
getAbsoluteTop()/Left() can no longer return non-integral values

 - Time.valueOf() no longer fails to parse "08:00:00" or incorrectly
accepts "0xC:0xB:0xA".


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