Yep, one way you get to store local information about your format state, the
other way you get to share a single format object. As I get the feeling you
care more about sharing a single format class then I care about allowing the
format to have state, so I'll fhmp.



On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 7:21 PM, Ray Ryan <> wrote:

> Who cares? This is happening in response to a user action, and will be
> undetectable. Why would we flush the ability to have shared formats to avoid
> parsing the CSS? We're just talking about a call to
> UIObject#removeStyleDependentName here, right?
> rjrjr
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Emily Crutcher <> wrote:
>> When a default format instance receives a format or parse request,  how
>> does it know whether it needs to remove its error style name from that date
>> box other then getting the current css off the date box and parsing it?
>> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 7:09 PM, Ray Ryan <> wrote:
>>> Nope.
>>> Each formatter *class* can attach dependent styles to a datebox. It
>>> should do so using a naming convention s.t. it can tell styles it has added
>>> from styles that others have added. (This was your concern that lead to the
>>> back pointer, right?)
>>> When a formatter is removed from a datebox (by a new one being added), it
>>> receives an abandon call to give it a chance clean up any css (or whatever)
>>> that it may have applied that another format will not know how to delete.
>>> No less efficient, and no need to instantiate a formatter per date box.
>>> rjrjr
>>> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Emily Crutcher <> wrote:
>>>>>  cal state.
>>>>> You can add an abandon() method to the format lifecycle, to tell it to
>>>>> clean up its crap. To make sure my formatter doesn't interfere with 
>>>>> someone
>>>>> else's styling, change the CSS class name for errors to reflect that the
>>>>> formatter owns it, not the DateBox, e.g. DATE_BOX_DEFAULT_FORMAT_ERROR
>>>> Am I correct that this is your solution?
>>>>    -  Each formatter has its own style name,  the expectation is that
>>>>    the css for the widget should be dependent upon that stylename and no 
>>>> other
>>>>    process should use that style name.
>>>>    - Whenever the date box's content is parsed or formatted, the date
>>>>    box would first call abandon/reset on the formatter. During the
>>>>    abandon/reset method, the formatter would access the date box's class 
>>>> dom
>>>>    property and do a string comparison to see if it had to remove the error
>>>>    condition before proceding. Formatters that did not use the css style 
>>>> name
>>>>    directly to indicate format errors would have to figure out some other 
>>>> way
>>>>    of clearing any current format state.
>>>> I think that would work, but it seems somewhat less efficient then the
>>>> current solution, can you explain a bit more why it is more desirable?
>>>>>> On 2008/12/17 22:41:41, rjrjr wrote:
>>>>>>> The dateBox field seems wrong, you don't need the circular
>>>>>> relationship btw.
>>>>>>> DateBox and format. Instead, why don't you pass in the dateBox as a
>>>>>> param to
>>>>>>> format, parse and reset--and allow yourself to share instances? Then
>>>>>> you can get
>>>>>>> rid of this init method entirely.
>>>> --
>>>> "There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
>>>> binary, and those who don't"
>> --
>> "There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
>> binary, and those who don't"

"There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't"


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