> <when-property-is name="user.agent" value="ie6" />
> <none>
>   <when-property-is name="user.agent" value="ie7" />
> </none>
> (you would alias ie8<ie7 and ie7<ie6, or you'd need to add value="ie8"
> in the <none>, which isn't quite "forwards compatible")

As a pattern, this seems non-obvious and ultimately harmful in the
long-run due to the complexity overhead for module-writers to keep
track of what's aliased to what.

  I'm moving to the opinion that we just add ie7 and ie8 to
UserAgent.gwt.xml and let existing libraries break unless they change
their rules.  I suspect that in many cases it would just result in a
static compile error due to the lack of any matching rebind solutions
for GWT.create() calls.  Even if you had an unsupported, third-party
library, you'd be able to monkey-patch the rebind solutions in your
own gwt.xml file.

  The trouble is in allowing a library to be both pre- and post-
addition compatible.  We may want to change 1.6 to allow unknown
values in <when-property-is> checks.

Bob Vawter
Google Web Toolkit Team


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