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On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Sandeep Khanna

> Can someone guide me as to how one would go about to build a very very
> simple multi-page image (TIFF) viewer/editor using GWT.
> The interface would be similar to Adobe Reader with page thumbnails on
> the left and the actual page image on the right. Additionally, the
> actions allowed on this multi-page TIFF image would be rotate, delete
> one or more of the embedded pages.
> What I have so far is that I think:
> 1) The GWT DockPanel can be used to display the Actions Menu bar on
> the top (NORTH), thumbnails Vertical panel on the left (WEST) and
> ScrollPanel with Image in the center (CENTER)
> 2) The rotation of images can be done using GWT-RPC and Java Advanced
> Imaging (JAI) API on the server side.
> Any help and suggestions would be very much appreciated.
> >



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