
Changes look really good.

Some review notes:

This code will terminate early if you have two anonymous functions in  
your call stack (possible for some DOM stack traces), since both will  
have name == "anonymous":

+        // Avoid infinite loop: caller is not an activation record
+        if (seen['_' + name]) {
+          break;
+        } else {
+          seen['_' + name] = 1;
+          callee = callee.caller;
+        }

Re: the JSON string escaping function.  I filed a bug a while back  
where unicode line separators would trip up RPC because they weren't  
being escaped:

According to my tests, Firefox 3, Opera 9 and Safari 3 all require  
\u2028 and \u2029 to be escaped.  I haven't tested with IE for a  
while, but it may have additional characters that require escaping on  
top of those.  Here's my test script:

for (i = 0x0; i <= 0xffff; i++) {
   try {
     if (eval("\"" + String.fromCharCode(i) + "\"") !=  
       document.write(i.toString(16) + ": not equal!<br>");
   } catch (e) {
     document.write(i.toString(16) + ": "+ e + "<br>");

On 17-Feb-09, at 3:02 AM, BobV wrote:

> I've created a branch to track future changes to this patch.
> svn merge -r4761:HEAD
> Changes from previous patch:
>  - Added web-mode stack-trace inference for JavaScriptExceptions with
> additional methods in StackTraceCreator.Collector.  This only works
> for Mozilla and Opera. Other browsers will return zero-length arrays
> for JavaScriptException.getStackTrace().
>  - Fixed extractName() to be more robust.
>  - Fixed loop condition in Collector.collect() and added a
> Mozilla/Opera variant to use stack inference to improve accuracy.
>  - The symbol map no longer attempts to de-staticify static methods.
> This caused a map collision when a polymorphic-dispatch version of a
> methods exists alongside a static-dispatch version.
> -- 
> Bob Vawter
> Google Web Toolkit Team
> >


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