---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Freeland Abbott <fabb...@google.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: class conflicts during development due to
To: Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors@googlegroups.com

As John notes, we did try using jarjar to repackage, and there are several
cases where it doesn't help.  In particular, see r4419 where Lex and I added
it and r4681 when it was pulled to fix problems in HostedMode.  (In addition
to the HostedMode bits, swt has native language issues and tapestry has
dynamic construction issues; you can look at r4419 for the exceptions Lex
and I started with.  I don't recall the HostedMode problems in particular...

That said, commons-collection wasn't a problem case.  For Nocolas'
sanity *right
now*, and with a specific collision point, I'd suggest that he post-process
his GWT jars in one of two ways:

   1. you could run jarjar yourself, for commons-collection, or
   2. you could excise those classes from "our" jar, and just use "yours" on
   your classpath.  Obviously, that's a configuration we haven't tested
   (really, so's the first), but I mostly trust Apache.  Still, YMMV.

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:36 AM, nicolas de loof

> gwt-dev is not on my servelt classpath but on my project classpath used to
> run Junit tests with maven.
> I need gwt-dev in project classpath to lauch the hosted mode using an
> eclipse lauch configuration. Maybe you know a better alternative ?
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 3:30 PM, John Tamplin <j...@google.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:26 AM, nicolas de loof <
>> nicolas.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I just was warned by my dev team about an issue with gwt-dev.jar :
>>> This jar contains som apache libs, and our application (for gwt-rpc
>>> services) also uses commons-collection, but with a distinct version.
>>> When we run the server side unit tests we get NoSuchMethodError as the
>>> gwt-dev jar comes prior in classpath than the commons-collections one, but
>>> as maven user we have no way to order dependencies :'(
>> Why do you need gwt-dev on your servlet classpath?  You should only need
>> gwt-servlet.jar.
>> Did you consider to repackage the gwt-dev dependencies using jarjar (
>>> http://code.google.com/p/jarjar/) to avoid such very disapointing issue
>>> for newbees ? apache commons are very common in webapps !
>> Yes, and we found that jarjar broke many things since it can't see
>> dynamically generated classnames (such as jetty loading classnames from an
>> XML file), native methods no longer work, etc.
>> --
>> John A. Tamplin
>> Software Engineer (GWT), Google
> >


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