My proposed implementation is to rewrite these methods changing the
literal parameter to the result of invoking GWT.create() at the call
site, e.g.

interface MyService extends RemoteService<MyServiceAsync> { ... }
// example call
OAuth.withSignature(MyService.class).method1(arg1, arg2, asyncCallback);

public class OAuth {
  @GwtCreate  // method must be static, class parameter must be final
  public static <S, T extends RemoteService<S>> S withSignature(final
Class<T> service) {
        // GWT.create with non-literal ONLY allowed
        // if enclosing method is @GwtCreate and
       // variable statically resolvable to literal param
        S async = GWT.create(service);
        return async;

after rewrite at callsite:
Object async = GWT.create(MyService.class);
OAuth.withSignature(async).method1(arg1, arg2, asyncCallback);

rewritten method:
public class OAuth {
  @GwtCreate  // method must be static, class parameter must be final
  public static <S, T extends RemoteService<S>> S withSignature(Object
asyncInstance) {

        //S async = GWT.create(service); replaced with instance
        S async = (S)asyncInstance;
        return async;

This doesn't handle generator override or extra params, but it's a
start and could work with minimal changes to ReplaceRebinds.


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Ray Cromwell <> wrote:
> Yeah, it's mostly the same as was discussed in the past. I just
> decided to resurrect the idea given that 1.6 is almost shipped to
> ensure it has a good chance of making it into the next version.
> -Ray
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:49 PM, Ian Petersen <> wrote:
>> Seems like this might be related to
>> I like the idea.
>> Ian
>> >>


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