I have a problem that seems close to this one. Using GWT 1.6.4 the
problem occurs with IE (6 and 7), not with Firefox, not in local mode,
not with Opera. In the previous version 1.5 I haven't noticed such

When I close a Popup, my IE freeze and I need to refresh my browser
The JS line in error is : function pAd(a){if(a.nodeType){return
a.nodeType==1}return false}

This occurs in various popup panels when I call "hide();" to close the
browser (no rpc call, no other code line invoqued).
Theses popup dialogs are used to show or update data, they used
various widgets (listbox, textbox, label, pushbutton... no date
picker ) in multiples VerticalPanel/HorizontalPanel to build a form, a
ClickHandler on each button (ok, cancel...). I use setText and such
function and then use "center()" to display the dialog. My application
is quite big and it's difficult to extract a code snippet...

It 's not a systematic error but it occurs 1 time to 3.
When I use the same dialog in display mode there is no error!!! It's
the same code but I hide the "ok" button, I use differents text
constants and I disable the textbox and listbox widgets used and I
don't call the setfocus.
When I validate an update I have an additionnal RPC call before hiding
the dialog and it seems to work fine ?!

It's look like a synchro problem like some code running before/after
closing and deleting objects... If someone have an idea ?



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