I'm also concerned that it only splits var statements; are we sure GWT
won't generate "too deep" expressions on other kind of statements?

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/js/JsBreakUpLargeVarStatements.java

Line 34: * trouble on Safari 4 and possibly other Webkit-based browsers.
See Issue 3455.
It's actually not about WebKit but JS engine. I've just tested an app
that fails in Adobe AIR 1.5.1 (Squirrelfish) with the "Expression too
deep" error but works OK in both Safari 4 Beta  (version 528.16, using
AFAICT Nitro, aka Squirrelfish Extreme) and Android (emulator from SDK
1.5_r1, using a target=3 AVD; I thought it'd have failed in this one, is
Android using V8?).



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