File build.xml (right):
Line 21: <target name="dist-one" depends="buildonly, tools, samples,
doc" description="Make this platform's distributions">
On 2009/06/11 17:41:56, zundel wrote:
> Now would be a good opportunity to add comments to document what these
> targets are intended to do.  I like to have a summary of the 'user
> targets at the top of the ant file.  I think that 'one' refers to
build a
> distribution for just one platform, but someone else might think it
> building one permutation of the samples or something like that.

I was actually planning to resort them (separately, and after this
approval, rather than introducing gratuitous diffs) so that "ant -p"
would have the sorting you describe, yes.  (Currently it's at least
mostly alphabetical, which is readily computable but not particularly

And the description is intended to suggest "one" -> "this platform,"
though I can obviously rework that wording.  I'd rather have a good
description than rely on comments (which, after all, might not be read,
aren't displayed by ant -p, etc.)
Line 72: <antcall target="buildtools">
On 2009/06/11 17:41:56, zundel wrote:
> Maybe a macrodef would help shrink the amount of code after getting
rid of the
> -do construct?

> <macrodef name="call-checkstyle">
>    <attribute name="target" />
>    <sequential>
>      <antcall targ...@{target}>
>        <param name="target" value="checkstyle" />
>      </antcall>
>    </sequential>
> </macrodef>

>    <call-checkstyle target="buildtools" />
>    <call-checkstyle target="dev" />
>    ...

> (I wish I could find something like a for loop)

There's a foreach in ant-contrib, but it invokes a target as its body,
which I've always found really annoying and counter-clarifying.  But
yes, we can make a macro (and parameterize both the subproject, what
you're calling target there, and the target within it, so the macro can
be reused below).


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