@mP: That would be great if you're interested in moving it into GWT proper.
It's one of those things we've always known was a big can of worms, and no
one's had much time to look into it.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Miroslav Pokorny <
miroslav.poko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Re/ Selections
> I have Selections for all the big 4 in my library. Ive implemrmted most of
> the needed functionality to mimic the w3c interfaces including:
> • creation by specifying end points ( Elements, offset)
> • testing if a selection exists.
> • expanding / moving either the start / end.
> • deletion
> • clearing a selection.
> • extracting a selection (the cut so it can be "pasted" somewhere else).
> • surrounding - inserting a parent making it easy to add a span with
> styling.
> • enabling/ disabling selection for a dom fragment.
> • retrieve selected text
> Most of what you need is there. I might be wrong but if memory serves me
> tight i could not defeat the way Ie rounds selections to the nearest whole
> word once they grow bigger than a minimal size.
> This is all 1.5 compatible code but it should be no big deal to sex it up
> if interest exists in taking it.
> Hth
> On 18/08/2009, at 4:16 AM, Matt Mastracci <matt...@mastracci.com> wrote:
>> Joel,
>> This is definitely a can of worms!  I spent some time thinking through
>> the some of these points.  Some additional comments inline...
>> On 17-Aug-09, at 10:02 AM, Joel Webber wrote:
>>> At any rate, we *do* need something like this, and now seems as good
>>> a time as any to bring it up. In fact, there are several such
>>> classes that need to be moved out of gwt.user.client into a more
>>> sensible place (and others that still need to be written). What they
>>> have in common is that they have nothing to do with widgets, but are
>>> not "core" because they assume the existence of a real web browser
>>> (as opposed to other potential Javascript targets such as Flash).
>>> The ones that come to mind are:
>>  Existing:
>>> - Window
>>> - Location
>>> - Cookies (though maybe Document just needs its cookie property
>>> implemented)
>>> - Timer (this is implemented on top of Window.set[Interval Timeout]())
>>> - History (there are both the native "history" object, and the GWT
>>> history implementation to consider)
>>> - [Incremental Deferred]Command (Smells like core, but requires
>>> Timer to work)
>> One consideration this raises is that some have internal state
>> associated with them.  For instance, both the Cookies class and
>> Location classes have precomputed maps of data.  How can you ensure
>> that a service is a singleton for a given native object (or is it best
>> to provide this for the default window and document only)? There's
>> also the issue with cleaning up objects when documents/windows are
>> unloaded, since the lifetime of the GWT module may be significantly
>> longer than the windows it references.  I suppose the cleanup could be
>> handled via some global per-window unload cleanup queue attached to a
>> specific window's unload handler.
>> Additionally, how can you handle multiple GWT modules that may
>> reference the same native window or document?
>> History and location may be useful to expose as simple JSO wrappers
>> over the native browser's objects.  The full GWT history
>> implementation would probably be less useful on a window that didn't
>> contain a GWT module (esp. considering that newItem() is so different
>> on every browser).
>> For Timer and IncrementalCommand, I suspect there wouldn't be much
>> lost if they were left as global services.  The only advantage to
>> having per-window timers that I can think of right now would be
>> scoping the lifetime of the timer to the window itself (is this even
>> consistent across browsers?).  I think it might be sufficient to
>> create a rebind point for creating timers for different environments.
>> FWIW, this is the code we use to simulate Timer when running as a
>> Firefox extension.  It would be a lot cleaner as a timer rebind and I
>> imagine that AIR and other JS-but-not-HTML environments would be very
>> similar:
>>   window.setTimeout = function(callback, timeout) {
>>       var timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;
>> 1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITimer);
>>       var handle = {timer: timer, active: 1, callback: callback};
>>       var doNotify = function() {
>> manag...@com.dotspots.mozilla.extensionmanager::activeOneShotTimers--;
>>           delete handle.active;
>>           delete handle.callback;
>>           delete handle.timer;
>>           manag...@com.dotspots.mozilla.extensionmanager
>> ::safeCallback(Lcom/
>> google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(callback);
>>       }
>>       timer.initWithCallback({notify: doNotify}, timeout,
>> Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
>>       manag...@com.dotspots.mozilla.extensionmanager
>> ::activeOneShotTimers++;
>>       timers.push(handle);
>>       return timers.length - 1;
>>   }
>>  New:
>>> - Selection (this is pretty tricky, because selection on IE is so
>>> amazingly weird)
>>> - Others?
>> Selection would be very useful, even if it was limited to some simple
>> operations at first (exists, get text, delete, replace).  The W3C
>> selection API is very useful, but I'm not sure if there's a compelling
>> use case outside of Google Wave to merit the effort required (I had
>> experimented with this a while back, but it's difficult to get
>> consistent results between webkit/gecko, let alone with IE in the
>> picture :)!).
>> There's a few miscellaneous DOM services that would be useful, such as
>> the DOM tree walking service and xpath functions.  Neither of those is
>> complex enough to be consequential, so they probably wouldn't factor
>> into any design.
>>> The main hold up for me has been figuring out how to move the
>>> existing classes to a more sensible module, and precisely what that
>>> module is. Selection and Window could arguably be considered par of
>>> DOM (WebKit has a DOMWindow class, even though the W3C doesn't
>>> consider it part of the DOM per se). It is not immediately obvious
>>> to me where the others should live, though -- should we have a
>>> Browser module, for example?
>> I think that window itself is a de-facto part of the DOM.  There are a
>> few cases where a developer may have access to a "headless" document
>> (ActiveXObject('htmlfile') for one), but those are fairly rare and
>> advanced enough that anyone using it would be aware of the
>> limitations.  All the major browsers have some sort of DOM-like object
>> representing it (Mozilla's nsIDOMWindow* and IE's IHTMLWindow*).
>>> Then there's the question of how to move them in a sensibly
>>> backwards-compatible manner. With the DOM module's Element class, I
>>> kept the names the same, because they have to be typed so often. I'm
>>> still not 100% certain that was the best approach, but I guess it's
>>> worked ok. How weird would everyone find it if Window, Cookies,
>>> Timer, History, and DeferredCommand all showed up in two places,
>>> with the originals eventually deprecated? It makes me a little
>>> nervous, to be honest, but so does trying to come up with new names
>>> for all of them and confusing matters further.
>> Our experience was pretty positive with the
>> com.google.gwt.user.client.Element ->
>> com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element mapping.  Most of it was handled
>> with a search and replace to fix up import statements.  Assuming the
>> function interface doesn't change dramatically (more like the element
>> mapping than the event overhaul), it wouldn't be much of an issue, IMO.
>> Best,
>> Matt.
>> >>


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