I'm posting directly to the list, because I got error 500 on Reitveldt.

This is a simple patch.  There is a small problem in a short-circuit
path in  SerializableTypeOracleBuilder (STOB).  The short circuit is
to check if a type has already been examined and, if so, returns "yes,
it's serializable".  The problem is that in that same place, it is
necessary to compute extra information about the queried type: the
instantiable subtypes of the request.  Currently that doesn't happen
on the short-circuit path.  The empty set is returned, leading to the
serialization policy having too few types, leading to run-time
serialization failures.

To fix this, the attached patch stores the instantiable types
information in TypeInfoComputed.  That way, the short circuit path has
the infromation available.  This percolated to a few other small

1. checkTypeInstantiable returns a whole TypeInfoComputed instead of a boolean

2. TypeInfoComputed can now handle an arbitrary JType, not just a
reference type.

3. checkTypesInstantiable no longer takes a set as an argument for
passing back the instantiable subtypes, because that information is in
the returned TypeInfoComputed.



Attachment: stobStringArrayArray-r5972.patch
Description: Binary data

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