AbsolutePanel.add(Widget,int,int) used to append widgets, the same as
AbsolutePanel.add(Widget) still does now. Following rev 6070/6071, it
now inserts instead, and not always at the end. This caused a problem
for me because I'm using this method to add a GlassPanel using
RootPanel.get().add(glass,0,0), and trunk after 6070 means that the
glass panel isn't in front of all the things it's meant to be in front
of because it's been inserted in the wrong place.

It used to say this:

  public void add(Widget w, int left, int top) {
    setWidgetPositionImpl(w, left, top);

but was changed to say this:

  public void add(Widget w, int left, int top) {
    int beforeIndex = getWidgetCount();
    setWidgetPositionImpl(w, left, top);
    insert(w, beforeIndex);

The reason this fails for me is that not everything in the panel is a
widget, so RootPanel.get().getWidgetCount() returns a number smaller
than DOM.getChildCount(RootPanel.get().getElement())

I presume that this is a bug and not a feature. Reverting this one
method looks like the right thing to do to me.

I created issue 4073 for this:



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