BTW: the main thing I wanted to ask was if this will impact your CCL
code in any way.  John T was nervous about me removing the call to
isClassnameGenerated() when making the anonymous class determination.
File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/javac/ (right):
Line 80: boolean anonymous = false;
Can do.
Line 83: anonymous = true;
Not sure I under the question?  I'm considering all local classes to be
anonymous here, whether they are one directly, or are contained in one.
Even a named local class cannot be accessed outside of its containing
Line 86: binding = ((NestedTypeBinding) binding).enclosingType;
> is this cast guaranteed to succeed?

Should be, since all top-level types are considered static.  Or to put
it another way, when I was doing it with a type check, I was ultimately
relying on an assertion in another branch of an if-else chain.  John
liked this formulation better.


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