Coming up with a general structure for stack header widgets (a la
TabLayoutPanel tabs), such that you could achieve whatever style you like,
proved very difficult in practice. I basically punted and just allowed you
to add an arbitrary widget, which you can style however you like.

I'm quite open to alternative structures that work more like tabs. The
problem I ran into is that you typically want a stack header to extend
vertically to cover the entire space between stacks. The layout system does
this automatically, but it is rather difficult to place the "content" of a
header wherever you want it.

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 1:41 PM, dflorey <> wrote:

> Maybe I'm dumb but I do not find any styles associated with the new
> StackLayoutPanel...
> And no methods to add click listeners etc.
> I'd expect the same styles as on StackPanel:
> CSS Style Rules
> .gwt-StackPanel { the panel itself }
> .gwt-StackPanel .gwt-StackPanelItem { unselected items }
> .gwt-StackPanel .gwt-StackPanelItem-selected { selected items }
> .gwt-StackPanel .gwt-StackPanelContent { the wrapper around the
> contents of the item }
> I tried to set the primary name but no effect.
> Any ideas?
> --


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