The GWT 2.0.1 point release is now available for download. It contains fixes
for bugs found in the 2.0.0 release.

Potentially breaking changes and fixes

   - Fixed a bug in how code generators collect method arguments from
   generated source, which impacted the Messages interfaces generated for
   UiBinder template files. In GWT 2.0, such argument names were incorrectly
   changed to ARGn. Most GWT applications will be unaffected, but external
   systems relying on these names may need to be updated.
   - The development mode server will, by default, only bind to localhost
   which will break cross-machine debugging. You can get the old behavior by
   specifying -bindAddress Please see issue
   for more details. For webAppCreator-generated ant files, you can pass this
   with ant -Dgwt.args="-bindAddress" devmode.
   - The CurrencyList/CurrencyData APIs are now public - if you were relying
   upon these classes in their non-public location, you should only need to
   update your imports.

Noteworthy Fixed Issues

   - UiBinder Image class with resource attribute, removes styles on that
   - Widgets lose focus if its placed on FocusPanel (Opera, Safari)
   - Standard.css missing new layout styles
   - Remove method in SplitLayoutPanel is broken
   - Splitter constructor hard codes the background color of the splitter to
   - Image should provide method to set alternative text
   - CssResource cannot parse unescaped '-', '_' in class selectors and
   unknown at-rules
   - Focusable implementation breaks ScrollPanels in Safari
   - RequestBuilder restricted to GET and POST
   - HTMLTable.Cell.getElement() calls getCellFormatter().getElement() with
   row and column swapped RequestBuilder restricted to GET and POST
   - MenuBar steals focus when hovered
   - TabLayoutPanel tabs don't line up properly on IE
   - webAppCreator produces ant build files which support the gwt.args
   property for passing additional flags to the gwtc and devmode rules, such as
   ant -Dgwt.args="-style PRETTY" gwtc.

See the GWT issue tracker for the complete list of bug fixes and
this release.


Miguel on behalf of the GWT Team


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