Avoiding the larger issue of meta tags applying globally, I'd think for this
case there should be a more direct way to do it.  What I mean is, you have
to load the *.cache.html files from *somewhere*.  So (from the inlined
selection script), you have to do something roughly equivalent to:

iframe.src = baseUrl + strongHash + ".cache.html"

It seems like... whatever process is used to inline the selection script in
the first place, has to be able to specify the base URL, at least relative
to the host page base url.  Am I understanding this right?

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Lex Spoon <sp...@google.com> wrote:

> The meta tag system is a general system for a host page to influence a
> loaded GWT module.  One aspect I don't understand, however: is there an
> existing way to have it apply to just one module, if multiple GWT modules
> are loaded on the same page?
> The reason this comes up is that I would like to make the magic base URL be
> settable by the host page for people who have inlined the selection script
> into the host page.  For such people, the built-in magic can do the wrong
> thing.
> The first idea that was suggested was to use a meta tag.  However, wouldn't
> t hat by default apply to all GWT apps loaded on the page?  It might be that
> one app comes from one server and the other from a different one.
> If there is no other idea around, then perhaps we could bake the module
> into the "name" parameter, like this:
> <meta name="com.google.gwt.sample.mail.Mail::baseUrl" content="
> http://static-content.service.com/mail";>
> If no "::" is present, then the setting applies to every module.
> Lex
>  --
> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors


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