Reviewers: Dan Rice,

Fixes a bug with the path to allow the default JUnit test created by
WebAppCreator to invoke the service.  GWT.getModuleBaseURL necessarily
returns a url with a trailing slash. Adding an additional slash makes
the url invalid.

Please review this at

Affected files:
  M /user/src/com/google/gwt/user/tools/JUnitClassTemplate.javasrc

Index: /user/src/com/google/gwt/user/tools/JUnitClassTemplate.javasrc
--- /user/src/com/google/gwt/user/tools/JUnitClassTemplate.javasrc (revision 8200) +++ /user/src/com/google/gwt/user/tools/JUnitClassTemplate.javasrc (working copy)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     // Create the service that we will test.
GreetingServiceAsync greetingService = GWT.create(GreetingService.class);
     ServiceDefTarget target = (ServiceDefTarget) greetingService;
- target.setServiceEntryPoint(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "/@renameTo/greet"); + target.setServiceEntryPoint(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "@renameTo/greet");

// Since RPC calls are asynchronous, we will need to wait for a response // after this test method returns. This line tells the test runner to wait


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