On Sep 13, 1:15 am, Jarrod Carlson <jarrod.carl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, when I say "always present", I mean _probably_ always present. So in
> this case, simply not unregistering _shouldn't_ be an issue. Your use of a
> HandlerRegistrationPool is clever... I might try that; thanks.

Well, if I were you, given your description of the use case, I'd use a
ResettableEventBus (StopperedEventBus in 2.1.0.M3).
If you don't want to unregister all your handlers in onUnload, then
mix EventBus and ResettableEventBus, or even use several
In other words, ResettableEventBus is very similar to Patrick's
HandlerRegistrationPool, just specialized in handling registrations on
an EventBus rather than HandlerRegistrations from any kind of registry
(EventBus or HandlerManager, which are distinct things post-M3).


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