Revision: 10524
Date:     Mon Aug 15 07:40:18 2011
Log:      Edited wiki page RequestFactory_2_4 through web user interface.


--- /wiki/       Sat Jun 11 17:16:56 2011
+++ /wiki/       Mon Aug 15 07:40:18 2011
@@ -83,3 +83,32 @@
Any `RequestContext` may have another newly-created `RequestContext` appended to it. Once two `RequestContext` instances are joined, they may be used independently of one another until `fire()` is called on any of the `RequestContext` instances.

Building on top of the `append()` facility is the utility class `RequestBatcher` which makes it easy to combine all `Request`s made during one tick of the event loop into a single HTTP request. A `RequestBatcher` vends an instance of a `RequestContext` and automatically calls `fire()` on it before the JavaScript execution returns to the browser (via `Scheduler.scheduleFinally()`). The public `fire()` methods on the returned `RequestContext` and its `Request` objects will not trigger an HTTP request, although any `Receiver` provided will still be enqueued, allowing the `RequestContext` vended by a `RequestBatcher` to be used with existing code.
+public class MyRequestBatcher extends RequestBatcher<MyRequestFactory, MyRequestContext> {
+  // Could be provided to consumers via DI instead
+  public static final MyRequestBatcher INSTANCE = new MyRequestBatcher();
+  public MyRequestBatcher() {
+    // MyRequestFactory could also be injected
+    super(GWT.create(MyRequestFactory.class));
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected MyRequestContext createContext(MyRequestFactory factory) {
+    return factory.myRequestContext();
+  }
+  // Provide batched getter for an additional RequestContext type
+  public OtherRequestContext otherRequestContext() {
+    return get().append(getRequestFactory().otherRequestContext());
+  }
+public void respondToUserAction() {
+  MyRequestContext ctx = MyRequestBatcher.INSTANCE.get();
+  ctx.doUsualThings();
+ // Calling fire() would be a no-op, although fire(Receiver<Void>) will enqueue the callback


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