Oops, I had started an email about the revert but apparently never sent
it. Sorry about that!

I might need some background about the editor framework...

File user/src/com/google/gwt/editor/client/adapters/ListEditor.java

return Collections.emptyList();
If someone calls setList() then the list returned by this method is no
longer live; it will still be empty even though there are new items. Is
that what we want? It seems unlikely, but if so it should be documented.

It seems like a better idea to create the ListEditorWrapper immediately
in the constructor and make it final. When setValue() is called, we
should call a new method like ListEditorWrapper.replaceBacking(). Then
live views never expire and we don't have to worry about null checks in
this class.

But then again, that's a change in semantics and I know nothing about
the editor framework. If you don't want to open this can of worms, I
suggest reverting the changes to flush() and getEditors() and leaving it
for another CL.



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