Opps, sorry, the speedtracer log is always on anyway. Look in the
super-dev-mode work dir, e.g.

I think the issue might be that I18N generators don't implement
IncrementalGenerator, and so they run every compile, even if nothing
in your interfaces or property files changed.  We are talking about
having perhaps two buttons in the UI, "Compile" and "Run Generators
and Compile", or maybe checkbox. Then, we'd run the generators once on
the first compile, and subsequent recompiles would not re-run them.
Except when people are editing css, images, or i18n interfaces, they
can then do a full 'regenerate and recompile'. Later when all of the
standard GWT generators are taught to behave better it would be needed
less and less.

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Paul Robinson <ukcue...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not using UiBinder or Gin.
> I am using GWT RPC, I18N and ImageResource.
> I have approximately:
> - 100 methods across several ClientBundles returning an ImageResource.
> - 700 I18N methods spread over about 30 interfaces (my initial 2
> permutations were for the default locale)
> - for GWT RPC, I have about 40 RPC methods. One of those is used for the
> command pattern and has a hierarchy of about 70 request classes that can be
> passed to it.
> My initial VM args were:
>    -Xmx1024M -Xss8M
> This is running on linux 64 bit, with enough spare RAM that it never used
> any swap space.
> After changing to your suggested VM args, the initial compile was 62s
> (instead of 3 minutes), then compiling from the browser took 18.4s, 16.8s,
> 17.0s, 17.4s, 15.4s, 16.8s, 16.0s
> I did add a "-Dgwt.speedtracerlog=/tmp/superdevmode.json" argument, but no
> file was produced.
> Paul
> On 08/06/12 22:12, Ray Cromwell wrote:
>> Hmm, that's still not where we'd like to be. Our design goal is<  10s.
>>  Are you using UiBinder, Gin, ImageResource, I18N, GWT RPC?  I'm
>> wondering if one of the generators may or may not have an issue with
>> incremental compilation.
>> This may not do anything, but try it anyway, add these JVM flags
>> -Dgwt.persistentunitcache
>> -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=/tmp
>>  -XX:MaxPermSize=512M
>>  -Xmx2048m
>> Also add -Dgwt.speedtracerlog=/tmp/superdevmode.json
>> And send me the resulting file after a few recompile runs. This may
>> give me a hint as to which parts of the compiler are taking too long.
>> -Ray
>> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Paul Robinson<ukcue...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> I've just tried SuperDevMode for the first time. I have around 250KLOC,
>>> of
>>> which around 200KLOC are translated to javascript.
>>> The code server reported 3 minutes for the initial compile (with 2
>>> permutations), then 37 seconds for the first compile from the browser,
>>> and
>>> then consistently 18-19 seconds thereafter.
>>> Paul
>>> On 08/06/12 21:38, Ray Cromwell wrote:
>>>> I just checked again, one of the internal apps we are trying
>>>> SuperDevMode against has about 400,000 lines of code and combines in
>>>> about 7-8 seconds. So maybe your app has 6x as much code? If not, it
>>>> gives us a clue that perhaps there's some other edge condition causing
>>>> the compile to be slow.
>>>> -Ray
>>>> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Ray Cromwell<cromwell...@google.com>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> How big is your app? (KLOC)  Internally, we'd had success with<10s
>>>>> refresh on some fairly largish apps. I'm wondering if something else
>>>>> isn't going on. Note that the first compile usually takes long, but
>>>>> subsequent ones are faster. Are you using UiBinder? One issue could be
>>>>> generators using too much time.
>>>>> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Jens<jens.nehlme...@gmail.com>
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>> Just to finish this off in case anyone else has the same problem -
>>>>>>> this was fixed in r11031.
>>>>>>> https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/detail?r=11031
>>>>>> Thanks for the info. I had the same problem but now it works. Now lets
>>>>>> hope
>>>>>> the compilation process will become a lot faster in the future. A
>>>>>> single
>>>>>> permutation of our app compiles on the code server in ~45 seconds and
>>>>>> thats
>>>>>> not really acceptable during development compared to the "classic"
>>>>>> DevMode.
>>>>>> -- J.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors
>>> --
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors
> --
> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors


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